Friday, September 15, 2006

Stalking Paul

We live about three blocks away from Abbey Road. For those of you musically challenged, Abbey Road is the home to Abbey Road Studios where the Beatles often recorded. It is the sight of a famous album cover of the Beatles crossing the road at a zebra-like cross walk. The album cover was the center of quite a bit of Beatles hysteria in the 60s. Some speculated that Paul was dead because he was barefoot in the photo. Others questioned the significance of John wearing a white suit. It was pretty much a full-fledged brouhaha. On any given day, actually on almost all given days, you can find tourists on that street taking their own replica photos of themselves crossing the cross walk ala the Fab Four. Chizz & I thought it would make a great Christmas card photo this year. Chizz, me, Kiki & Snake all crossing the street, Chizz not wearing shoes, Snake all in white, me smoking a cigarette in the wrong hand. All very humorous, all very London of us. Kiki had a conniption fit. It was so not cool, so touristy. She walked by tourists doing this every day and she was not going to do it. Fine, we will have to think of something else. I opened a magazine yesterday afternoon and I see a picture of some “tourists” taking the Abbey Road photo (as us Londoners call it). I call Kiki down so she can see how uncool these people look. The tourists? Only the members of U2 and Green Day. Apparently they are in the Abbey Road studios recording some songs together. I guess Billie Joe and Bono don’t know that it is uncool. Some people are SUCH tourists.

I walk by Abbey Road all the time hoping to see Paul McCartney who lives in our neighborhood. I think right now he is the States though so my chances are slim of catching him around St. John’s Wood. Some friends of mine told me that they have seen him at Panzers which is a deli/grocery store in the neighborhood. It is a favorite among Americans because it carries quite few American food items. I also have made it a habit of walking down his street in hopes of catching a glimpse of him. I know that if we met we would become best friends. I could go for tea and give him advice on things like next time try dating a girl born before the Beatles broke up or to remind him to think with other parts of his body first when he is making that pretty important life partner choice. But so far I haven’t even seen anyone at his house or connected to his house. I have seen the street sweeper assigned to his street but I am guessing he isn’t very close to Paul. I will have to keep trying.

Now you can stalk us if you want. Abbey Road Studios has a live webcam that they broadcast and you can see the famous crosswalk. The kids walk to school this way everyday so if you look around 7:50 a.m. (11:50 p.m. the night before PST), you might see them cross the walk. The link is at the end of this entry. Let me know if Kiki & Snake look uncool or so like tourists.


Anonymous said...

I will definitely try the webcam! But could you ask Kiki and Snake to turn and wave each morning as they cross? It'll be like the creepy crawlies going to St. Rita's!!

Anonymous said...

uhh no, we are NOT going to turn and wave auntie s!

Anonymous said...

Yo, Snake! Does your sister speak for you??!!! I think you should cock a snook for the Woofster!