Thursday, July 06, 2006

What does it mean??

Wind the frog? Why that name? It's an inside joke in our family. In the movie, Toy Story, Woody sets up an elaborate plan to rescue Buzz from being blasted into eternity (and beyond) by the rotten kid next door, Sid. He is assisted by all of the mutilated toys in Sid's room. When Woody is ready to launch the plan, he yells "Wind the Frog", the frog moves and sets the plan in motion. Whenever we are getting ready to do something at home that requires elaborate planning (at least in our minds) or staging, we start off by saying "Wind the Frog". Our move to London is a pretty big change for us. We have talked and discussed, discussed and talked and we are ready to make the move. Chizz moved to London in March. The kids (age 13 & 14) and I will join him in August. Lookout Europe and . . . . Wind the Frog!!!