Sunday, February 04, 2007


Well Snake wanted to stay up last night and watch the Super Bowl. The problem? The game didn't start until 11:00 p.m. here. Of course, just like everywhere else the pregame started much earlier - like 9:00 or so. It was about 6 hours of football, most of it after it was usually lights out in our house. But "everyone" at school was staying up and he didn't want to go to school and be the only one whose mommy wouldn't let him. We tried the old "well, if everyone else jumped off the Golden Gate bridge, would you want to do that?" ploy but who ever dreamed up that little scenario never dealt with teenagers because they are very much like lemmings. Yes, if everyone else did jump off the Bay Bridge they would want to jump as well. So we did what any good parents would do, we negotiated. We negotiated very strict terms with him. IF he finished all his homework due on Monday and Tuesday, IF he took a shower at half-time, IF he took a nap on Sunday, IF he went to school and swim practice without complaint on Monday no matter how tired he was, then he could stay up and watch the Super Bowl. Of course he agreed to those terms.

Kiki didn't really care about the game and she is still fighting the cold/flu going around here so she went off to bed at about 10:00 p.m. Chizz made no pretense of even trying to stay up. He was recording the game and with a little work might be able to avoid finding out the score. Actually normally that would be pretty easy as American sports get very little coverage here on the TV, radio and newspapers. I am not sure if that would be the same for the Superbowl but based on our experience so far, we were thinking he might be able to put it off. I didn't want Snake to be up all by himself so I told him I would stay up with him. Quite frankly, I thought for sure he would fall asleep at some point and I would still be able to pull off 5 hours sleep or so. Well, he didn't fall asleep and neither did I. We managed to watch every minute of it. Until 3:00 a.m. I will admit, I might have nodded off for a play or two but I was awake for most of the game.

Unfortunately, we don't get the commercials here so I don't really know about those. But Kiki found a website this morning that has all the ads so maybe we will get to see some of those later. Right now, I am pretty bleary eyed and tired. I may have to do some "research" for our next trip, in bed, under the electric blanket, with my eyes closed. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone.

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