Monday, February 19, 2007

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blog to Bring You This Special Bulletin

MY MOM IS THE BEST!!!! I received a package from her today. I was expecting it because she told me she was sending a few items for Snake's upcoming birthday. But what I didn't expect was some of the stuff she included. She has been paying attention folks!! She heard me when I said I couldn't find a pitcher larger than 1.5 litres. Mini-pitchers for mini-fridges. It is hard enough to make iced tea in this country let alone find a pitcher large enough so you don't have to make it every day. I love iced tea but I don't want to make it every day and I drink alot, especially when I am trying hard to reduce my diet coke intake. (Another day, another blog.) I searched high and low for a large pitcher but couldn't find one. Today I got a super large Rubbermaid pitcher from her. Yahoo!! Iced tea tomorrow!! She also somehow knew to send us stuff we were missing but didn't know. Rice-A-Roni (c'mon, we are Bay Area citizens folks!). We love Rice-A-Roni and do miss it but I didn't tell her that. How did she know? She also sent us several packages of a certain Japanese Curry mix we love. I never told her that I couldn't get that here, but somehow she knew. Mom knew to send more of the staples as well, Hidden Valley Ranch dressing packets, Orville's popcorn, Kraft Mac & Cheese. But the freakiest thing of all. Today I was talking to Mom on Skype using our web cams (well actually Auntie S.'s web cam and mine) and she asked if she could send anything. I told her no I didn't think I needed much of anything but if she was going to send us anything, maybe some chocolate chips. Auntie S. brought some over in November when she came and Snake just made a batch of cookies yesterday and we were down to our last bag of chocolate chips. I told her I was going to have to ration it. You can get chocolate chips but they come in little teeny, tiny bags and it would cost me $20 for the chips alone. So I asked her if she thought about it, if she was sending anything else, she might include a bag or two. Three bags came in the box this afternoon. I just told her that today, how did she know to send those back in January when she mailed this box? Freaky. Maybe we should listen to Mom's crazy stock picks more often. She sent other stuff too, syrup, pancake mix, some yummies for the kids that I am not going to mention so I can dole them out accordingly.

Thanks Mom. I always knew my mom was the best. Now the rest of you know it too. I love you!!!


Anonymous said...


I found your blog through expat blogs. My husband and I are considering a move to London - he has a cool job offer there. I am trying to find out as much as I can about living in London and read through all of your blog archives.

If you have the time, would you be willing to answer some questions regarding moving to London with kids? Mine are much younger, 7 and 5, but I am wondering about very basic things, like whether we should go with public schools or private schools (in the American sense) or with the American School (I saw the webpage for one in London).



M (from Dallas, TX)

Wendy said...

Sure M, feel free to send me an email at my blog email - I would be happy to answer any questions you have if I can and give you solicited or unsolicited advice (the latter being my specialty!).

Anonymous said...

Thank you - questions to your email acct. soon - look for an address from an American telecom company.



Anonymous said...

This thread is riveting! I can't wait for the next installment

Wendy said...

Listen, you want gems? Go to South Africa!