Saturday, February 10, 2007

Adios, Au Revior,Goodbye, Arrivederci

Not leaving forever, just six days. To ROME!!!!!! Very, very, very excited. How it came about is this. The kids have a week off in February. It has always been our plan to go skiing that week. That is what we planned, however, the snow gods had slightly different plans. This week notwithstanding, there is not very much snow in them there European hills. Quite a few of the resorts are only operating at 30-40% lift capacity. We didn't want to spend a whole lot of pounds, dollars or euros and then not really be able to ski alot. So we decided to postpone the ski vacation, hoping that there will be more snow in early April and we can do a long weekend then. Who knows? So where to go, where to go. Rome has been high on my list since I found out we were moving to London. I knew that I would not return home from this experience without having visited Rome. So the rest of the family agreed and the rest is history.

I am thankful that the illness that plagued our family last week appears to have moved on. If Chizz had become sick when we were in Rome, 1 of 3 things would have happened. (1) I would have had to leave him alone recuperating in our hotel room or (2) drag his sick body all through Rome and that might slow me down or (3) (and the most likely scenario) I would have had to ask to the Pope to either cure him or kill him because I had things to see! I am doing research and checking each attraction and historical site we want to see, plotting each day to get the maximum out of each hour. Yeah, it is pretty much not going to be any fun for the rest of my family. Who cares -- I have a schedule to keep! Ciao!!

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