Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Price to Pay (or Stay)

We have our first visitors! Yay! Auntie S. and her significant other, Matador, have come to visit us for a few days. We don’t charge any money to stay in our lovely abode but consideration is required. Consideration in the form of items missed from home. I sent Auntie S. a list and boy did she come through!! Take a look at this loot:

Now Matador gets credit for tracking down some of the items, most notably the Bells Poultry Seasoning. This is the secret ingredient (not so secret now, I guess) in my grandmother’s stuffing recipe. Not only do they not carry Bells here, which is not really a huge shock, I haven’t even seen poultry seasoning in any brand or form. So at least the stuffing will be the same. Of course, I may not have a turkey since my oven isn’t really working but that is another battle. And we will have pumpkin pie. I have seen canned pumpkin here but it is frightfully expensive so I asked her to bring a bit with her and she did!! Some of the other items; bleach pens, Mr. Clean magic erasers, microwave popcorn, chocolate chips, macaroni & cheese (Kraft of course), chili mix. There were a few other things in there but you get the gist. Now, if anyone can figure out how to sneak my nieces and nephews over in a suitcase, they can stay a month!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For what you have to put up with, I think you should have charged more "consideration."

Bye the bye, the TMX was (and is) a HUGE hit. We already have to replace the batteries. (I play with it more than A.!)