Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Okay, I Got On "The Facebook". Now What?

Alright, I got a Facebook page. I am not sure why. I guess because everyone else was, all the "cool" kids were doing it, peer pressure (and yes, I would jump off that proverbial bridge). But now I am not quite sure what I do with it.

I have 11 friends as of this morning, mostly relatives. That is not very many. Not compared to one of my "friends", a teenager who at the same time this morning had 626 friends! Yikes! How does that happen? I have asked my kids not to friend me (or more accurately not to feel bad about not friending me.) At this point in their lives they deserve a little privacy and I am not ready for more access. As I mentioned to a friend yesterday, I am happy being blissfully ignorant. Both Kiki & Snake seemed relieved.

But what do I do now? I know I should put my status on it, but I feel pressure, intimidated. Some people use their status to update their friends or family on the mundane activities of their lives, but I think that might be boring. Shouldn't my status be something pithy, profound or otherwise fascinating? I think so. So I have been racking my brain. And I think the more I think I become intimidated even more. Think, Wendy, think. What did I do yesterday? Would any of those things make a good status? Let's see. "Cleared off all knick-knacks, so furniture can be moved for new carpet". No. "Watched back-to-back episodes of Tabitha's Salon Takeover" No. "Went to Safeway" No. "Went to notary to get forms signed" No. "Played 3 games of Trouble with 5-year-old" No. Maybe my life isn't fascinating enough right now for a Facebook page. That is probably why I haven't updated my blog in a while (although there might be things in the works worth mentioning later). So I am stumped. I mentioned my conundrum to my friend, she accused me of overthinking. Just put something in and don't worry about it. My Safeway trip? My TV watching? My housework? Really? If this is what my "friends" want to see, I think I need more friends.

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