Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What The Heck is That Thing???

It was very windy here last night. Extremely windy. So windy I half expected to see a bike riding hag out my second story window. In the middle of the night, I woke because I think I hear a noise. I listen, I hear something downstairs. Maybe it is one of the kids getting a drink or something downstairs. I don't hear the noise again so I fall asleep. I wake again, the same noise. Now I am not the bravest soul in the world but I know that there is no one downstairs, I am confident our building is secure. But this is some serious interruption of my beauty sleep. I stomp downstairs to find out where the noise is coming from and I can still hear the noise. It is coming from the kitchen. It's this thing!

This thing is in our window and the wind is whistling through it. It is like a little fan and when the wind hits it, it moves and makes a squeaky little noise, similar to chalk on a chalkboard. I don't even know what this is or why we have it. I have seen it in other people's home here as well but they don't know what it is either. I suspect it has something to do with ventilation. What the heck is this thing?

I know what it is. It's the thing that kept me up half the night last night.

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