Wednesday, January 30, 2008


We have had sporadic internet service over the past few days. As those of you who have teenagers know, bad internet service is tantamount to child abuse these days. So I called our internet provider to complain this morning. They apologized profusely for the intermittent service because in reality what they meant to do was cut off our service!! What?? Why? (And before you ask, thanks to direct billing - our account is paid promptly each month).

No they explained, the reason they cut off our service was because of the "inappropriate" use. Apparently one or more of our computers has been infiltrated by some kind of robot that sends out many, many junk emails. The technician I spoke with today told me thousands of spam emails have been traced back to our internet connection. Thousands of "not so nice" emails. Porn. The tech assured me that the company doesn't think it was us or else I most likely would have been speaking to the police. (See, I know I am going to leave this country with some kind of criminal record.) Our computers have a dark side apparently and have fallen in with the wrong kind. The smut sending kind. It is hard enough to keep track what your kids are doing, now I have to worry about my machines. (Although I never did like the look of that electric teapot.)

How do they fix this problem you ask? Well, "they" don't. I have to. I figure out how to back up everything that is important, clean out our hard drive and then reload. I am sure that is going to be fun. I am sure I will be able to do that in no time. So we will most likely be out of touch for a few hours, days maybe weeks. Who knows?

Meanwhile if you get any unsolicited racy emails, think of us. It is probably our computer running wild again. We tried grounding it but you can't control 'em these days!

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