Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Breakfast with Sir Paul

After my guests left yesterday, I went to meet my friend for a quick cup of coffee and to catch up on her recent trip. Well, our usual Starbucks was just jammed packed so we headed off to the cafe next door which was a little less crowded and we might actually be able to hear ourselves speak.

We settled in, got our cappucino and tea and started chatting. About 30 minutes into our conversation, I noticed a man striding in and took his place at a table behind me. Yes, it was him -- Sir Paul McCartney. There by himself!! He is a regular at this particular establishment and the other times I have seen him, he has been near this spot. But it was my friend's first sighting and that was exciting for her. After a few minutes, he was joined by the new woman in his life and his son. The new girlfriend is an American as was his wife, Linda. Hmmmmmmm. Interesting pattern, huh? I hadn't remembered he had a son, his daughters usually are the ones in the news. But my friend thought it was his son and after some research on the Internet, I found she is right. (Stalker, much?) It was all very surreal because it was all very normal. I think one of the reasons he does live here is that he seems to be able to walk in this small neighborhood to the cafe, to the cleaners, to the bank almost like a normal person. Almost like a person who doesn't have a gazillion pounds or was part of a musical revolution that many artists today still cite as an influence in their own work. And he still is the cute one, at 60+ years old.

Now, I am not going to name the cafe - although I think it is pretty much common knowledge in the area. Because if the paparazzi and hangers-on start hanging out there, my friend and I might not be able to go there any more. Hey!! They could want the photos of two this-side-of-middle-age-wives of insurance and oil company executives. You don't know!!!

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