Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life in the Commune, Part III

One of the best things about living with a 3 year old is all of the fun things they do and getting them to repeat them over and over again. A sign of the season, Zabba has discovered candy in a BIG way. We have a little dish on the entry way table with candy corn in it and she found out she loves candy corn. She has a ritual now where she takes one candy corn in the morning before she goes to school (because 2 would be wrong) and puts in her hand and holds it almost the entire way to preschool. Then when the car goes up a particular hill, she pops the candy corn in her mouth. Every single day.

So she was discussing her love of candy with her mom the other day, and her mom, Auntie K., felt the need to counter balance the candy talk and start talking about "healthy" things to eat, like vegetables. So she said, "You know Zabba, I like vegetables. Peas are a vegetable, I like peas". Then she asked "What kind of vegetables do you like?" Zabba thought for a moment and said "Corn, Corn is a "wedgetable" - I like corn". Wedgetable!!!! Isn't that great? So Auntie K. just kept trying to get her to say it over and over again. "What else, what else do you like?" Zabba: "I like broccoli, broccoli is a wedgetable." What else? "Zucchini, Zuchini is a wedgetable, I like Zucchini."

You could play for hours.

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