Sunday, June 01, 2008

Snake: Chef, Teen, Terrorist or All Three - You Decide

So I must admit a chuckle or two over the Rachel Ray-Dunkin Donuts controversy. (Controversy is one of my favorite English words. Here they pronounce it "con TRAUV ersy" - It is hard to do it phonetically and have the same effect, if you see me - ask me and I will do my best imitation.) Anyhoo, I read that some group has complained about this Rachael Ray Dunkin Donuts ad because the scarf she is wearing, clearly indicates a sympathy toward and support of extremist Muslin radical terrorist organizations. Huh?? I thought it was just an ugly scarf and truly not that flattering on her. Some people just have too much time on their hands. And of course, Dunkin Donuts issued an apology and pulled the ad. Come on Dunkin Donuts - grow a pair!! I doubt too many people would have even noticed this scarf until the complaining party pointed it out. So you have to wonder about their motivation. Perhaps this is just reverse psychology.

Terrorist #1: "Hey that kind of looks like the head wear of our supporters."

Terrorist #2 "Really, you think so? I am thinking it just looks like paisley."

Terrorist #1 "No, it does. You just have to squint your eyes and tilt your head to the left, close one eye and BAM! our scarf".

Terrorist #2: (Rather unconfidently) "Oh yeah . . . . I see it now. So what?"

Terrorist #1: What if we caused a real ruckus and said that this scarf shows Rachel Ray is a really a terrorist, and obviously she is behind 9/11 or at least supports those who are or at least sympathizes with those that do and that all of her "chefing" is really some kind of extremist Muslim ploy to get Americans to eat more Middle Eastern food and slowly but surely will indoctrinate them into our ways?

Terrorist #2: Because she wore this scarf?

Terrorist #1: Yes.

Terrorist #2: Okay but can we do this all next Tuesday because my week is just swamped.

Terrorist #1: Sure.

Terrorist #2: Yum-A!

I think that is what happened. But then I remembered this picture of Snake. It's the "terrorist making" scarf. And then I remembered, he likes to dabble in the kitchen. And then I remembered, he likes donuts. And then I remembered he is a teenager, which is sort of like being a terrorist. The signs are all there, I am surprised I didn't see it before.


Anonymous said...

I've always been suspicious of her ... I've seen that glint in her eye when she makes hummus and falafel on 30 Minute Meals - like some kind of code.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't seem that long ago I was worried about Snake eating fairy cakes - and now this!