Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here I Am! There I Go!!

Okay it has been a busy few weeks for reasons which I will detail later. I like to write chronologically but so much has been happening lately that things are running into each other. I don't have time to write and its piling up. So for right now I have to switch to a level of importance criteria until things straighten themselves out.

So, the big one. We are leaving London. Chizz was transferred at the beginning of the year back home to the US of A. The kids and I have stayed behind to finish up the school year. Sort of a reverse of what we did when we moved over. I haven't talked about it at all on the blog for several reasons. First, we loved living here. Absolutely. It is hard being away from family and friends and not being part of their every day lives but this experience has had a wonderful impact on our family. So I am not quite ready to give it up. A little denial if you will. But it is what it is, and as I have told the kids in a way we are lucky. We are going back home, somewhere we love. We are a part of a very transient community here, so we know quite a few people that are leaving this year. It could be worse, we could be going somewhere totally new, or a place we know that we don't like. We have some friends that are being transferred to a place they lived a few years back and HATED. Guess what? They are going back there. I think that would be awful.

Another reason I didn't mention our impending move is that I didn't want to focus on it here. Probably part of that denial thing again but I didn't want to write about leaving over and over and have that be the underlying theme of my writing for the past few months. So I left it out.

Lastly, I wasn't sure what was going to happen with WTF when I get back. The original purpose of the blog was to keep family and friends up to date with what we were doing here etc. Not that West Coast USA doesn't have some interesting things in store for us but I was not quite sure I could keep up the level of interest writing about my trip to the Safeway to pick up some avocados (which I miss terribly). But what I decided is that this blog has morphed into something else for me. Sort of a creative outlet if you will. I get a lot from it so I will continue. So readers, feel free to check in every now and then. I will still write about things that interest me, they just might not be about going to Berlin or Egypt. And don't worry, I won't be writing about Safeway avocados unless it is really cool (or I think it is!).

Now I am in my kitchen waiting for the movers to finish up with final boxes in our flat. Chizz is flying back to go on a last trip with me & the kids. Ironically he won't be coming back to the States with us because he is teaching a course here for two weeks! I think I have a few more blogs in me before I hit US soil but it is really dependent on our internet access. I may or may not have it we will have to see.

In reflecting on the blog and our stay here, I thought about the name of the blog and how I came to call it that (which I wrote about here). Actually it still applies. The trick is taking the good stuff we liked here, the trips, hanging out with the family, doing stuff, and applying it back home. It won't be completely the same of course, but I think we can make it interesting with some effort. We are going to try and do more trips at home as well. Seeing parts of the States we haven't seen before, going to events we have always thought about but never managed to do. I think one reason we were always so busy here is that we knew this wasn't going to last forever so we had to just do stuff or risk leaving and not getting the chance. I am well aware that Kiki will be going to college next year (yikes) and two years after Snake will be off as well. We don't have much time left. We need to do it now or risk not getting the chance. I think that is going to be our new theme, just do it (wait where have I heard that before?) So in a way it is another stage of our adventure. So now it is look out USA , here we come (in a few weeks) and Wind the Frog!!!


Anonymous said...

I am very glad you are going to keep WTF when you get back home! Of course, for selfish reasons, we are very happy to welcome all of you back. I have learned very many interesting things from your blog and your great pictures. Keep up the great work at home!!!

Wendy said...

Thanks Mom! You can always count on your Mom for positive comments all the way around! See you soon.