Sunday, August 20, 2006

Degree of Difficulty

As most of you know, Chizz only travels with when there is a degree of difficulty. In New York at the time of 9/11 - Yes. In Spain at the time of their terrorist train attack - Absolutely. Flying to the US from London on the day they bust the "Baby-Formula Cell-Phone" Scheme. OF COURSE!!! We haven't seen him in 3 months, the kids are I are excited and it only figures that this would be the day he travels. I fielded (?) about a zillion calls that day from friends and family that also figured out that they only knew one person that was destined to fly that day. His flight was delayed by about 3 hours. Only allowed his wallet and passport for a 10.5 hour flight. I would have died of boredom. Luckily one of Chizz's god given talents is the ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, in any situation, no position too difficult. So he slept, watched most of the movies and counted the dots on the carpet of the plane. Upside? He says it was the fastest he ever deplaned (is that a word?) in his life, no carry ons in the overhead compartments. Although the flight attendant still went into the spiel about "being careful when opening the overhead compartments because items may have shifted during flight". Careful of those shifting blankets and pillows!

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