Friday, June 04, 2010

Better Late Than Never

We have a pool in our backyard; a cement pond as the Beverly Hillbillies used to say. For many of the almost 14 years we have lived here, we have had ducks that visit the pool on their way to and from where ever ducks go to and from. Sometimes in the Spring, the mom will have a few babies. We have had babies almost every spring, not all but probably 10 out of the 14 years. I suspect it has not been the same ducks over the years as the life span for this particular type of duck is 5 - 10 years. (Wow, think of that. That is a huge spread, 50%. If we did that in people years, it would be something like 38-77. Can you imagine, you die somewhere between the ages of 38 - 77? Not narrowed down any further. I guess that is what you can expect when you spend most of your days avoiding dogs, coyotes or hawks. Keeps you on your toes.) Anyway, it is most likely not the same ducks. But they still come.

This year in mid-May, we noticed a male and female hanging out a lot at the pool but it is much, much later than normal. Usually by Easter, they have come and gone. One year on Easter Sunday, we had a mallard fight in a backyard. That was the year of the duck menage a trois. 2 males and 1 female showed up at the pool a few days before, seemingly at peace with the "arrangement". However, it all came to a head on Easter Sunday when one of the males attacked the other and after that, only one male duck. That is the year Uncle D fondly refers to as "the year we almost had duck for Easter dinner."

So when the ducks came so late this year, we figured that they had missed the mating season but out of habit went to the same spot and they would move on. We saw them quite a bit last weekend while working in the backyard, swimming in the pool, hanging out in the ivy. Old habits die hard, we figured. This morning I was in the yard working on a bench I am re-staining, and I happened to glance in the pool. To my surprise:

Mom has 9 new babies. It took quite a bit of time for me to count the babies, she moved them around quite a lot not sure if I was going to do more than count or take photos. They are very, very, very new. I suspect this morning sometime. The fuzz is still there and a few of the ducks seem a little unsure of swimming. I couldn't capture it on film but a few times a few of the ducklings would hop on Mom's back trying to take a break. Mom was having none of it, quacking at them what I was sure was "You are never going to learn to swim if you ride on my back all the time". Words to live by. So I called Zabba and Auntie K over to have a look before school and they were quite the hit.

What's not to love?

After a while, she took them up on the ledge to the hot tub to rest up. Swimming a few hours after birth is just a bit taxing.

They are still out there, about 3 1/2 hours after discovery. I am sure Mom will move them in a bit but for now I am enjoying peeking in at them every now and then. Just when you think you have it all figured out, Mother Nature throws a curve ball. It is a marvelous thing to watch. Enjoy your weekend!

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