Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Snakes, Oh My!!

The weather has been wacky crazy this week. It has rained in biblical proportions, the result of 5 or so storms stacked one right after another. We have had rain, hail, a bit of snow on some of the higher elevations. Today I was working in the back room and I heard the emergency broadcasting system alert go off. Chizz was watching TV and they interrupted. On a very rare occasion we will get interruptions for an Amber alert or sometimes in storms such as these we get a flash flood warning. Not today. Today's emergency was a tornado alert!! Holy Wizard of Oz, Batman! Right here in our county. Apparently a funnel cloud was spotted in a town not far from here. It was exciting. Of course, the warning lasted all of about five minutes. It was over fairly quickly after the instructions to "shelter in place, go to the lowest elevation in your house" and "do not take shelter under a freeway overpass". Since we didn't have any freeway overpasses in our house, we were pretty lucky. We were still contemplating where the lowest elevation in our house was (we think the sunken living room, we weren't sure) when the warning was over. So we escaped the tornado.

Almost. Shortly after the warning, I went into Snake's room. Actually, the tornado didn't miss us after all. That would be the only explanation:


Auntie K said...

I believe this photo is staged for I don't see any boxers strewn about ...

Wendy said...

Surprisingly enough, it is not staged. I only had a minute to take the photo while Snake out at the mailbox. I took the photo, posted it and only THEN did it occur to me to check it to make sure there weren't any unmentionables visible! Whew!! Much to my relief and surprise, it was "boxer free".