Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reason #10,587

There are many reasons why I love Chizz. There are the obvious ones, he is handsome, smart, makes me laugh, a good father, takes the dead things out of our backyard in California (not just the plants, the animals too!). The not so obvious ones - he can sleep anywhere, he is just about always in a good mood, when I broke the back window in our about 2 month old Explorer - the first thing he asked was "are you okay" not "are you crazy" (the answer to both questions - yes.)

Today another reason - a huge one. I was taking the garbage out from our flat this morning and locked myself out. The problem, I was having a group of women over - in about 1/2 hours time. I called him from a neighbor's phone, not one I had known before and I am not so sure I made a good impression this time, so I am thinking she will probably be avoiding me in the future. His response? "I will be right there." No hesitation, no "I have a really important meeting in 5 minutes", no heavy sigh, no problem. He just came. In about record time. His office is all the way on the other side of town, 2 tube transfers. He just came with the keys and just opened the door, and then left. That simple, like I asked him to take out the trash (which I think I will from now on because obviously I can't be trusted).

And that is reason 10,587 and there are 10,000 more. All of which I will be happy to tell you when we meet next!! What a great guy and I am a lucky girl.


Anonymous said...

Get a room!

Wendy said...

Jealous that the magic is still there after 23 years????

Anonymous said...

Any more posts like this and I'm done reading this blog ...

Anonymous said...

how am I supposed to explain these comments to my kids?
Uncle FS

Wendy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy said...

People, people. I think your own marriages might benefit from some in depth counseling if my comments regarding how absolutely wonderful my husband is causes you such distress. Perhaps Dr. Phil has some openings now that Brittany is no longer a patient.