Sunday, April 15, 2007

By The Numbers

The Funsucker family left this morning to go back to the US. We had a GREAT time with them, showing them our new home city and I think they had a great time discovering some places on their own. As I reflected this morning on all the things we did, I thought it was amazing the different number of things we did. Since Uncle Funsucker is a banker, I thought there would be no better way to sum it all but by the numbers. So here goes (in no numerical or chronological order, by the way)

1 Fulham Football Match seen in company suite.

5 Number of football matches watched on TV. (Not counting the 1 match Raul made us watch 4 times!)

1 Winning Ticket for Prize Package at Fulham game. (Way to go Ishmael!)

7 Losing tickets in for prize package at Fulham game.

2 Castles (Tower of London & Dover)

8 Tickets to Spamalot

57 Tombs/Graves of Famous and not-so-famous dead English People.

7 Souvenirs purchased.

18 Members of the crew teams of Oxford & Cambridge at the Boat Race.

3 Oyster Cards purchased. (Fast passes for buses & Tube)

9 All Day Transit Tickets for Ishmael

2 Cathedrals (Salisbury & Westminster)

267 Photos taken by Auntie C.

4.5 Bottles of Wine consumed at dinner one evening.

4 Slightly slow moving adults after dinner night before.

635 Number of Times Uncle Funsucker said "Mind the Gap"

14 Pubs visited during the week. (Yikes!)

2 Wrong Size T-shirts purchased. (Sorry Raul)

3 Steps in Frog Household that Uncle Funsucker claimed got steeper each night.

8 Kinderbueno Candy Bars (Kiki's favorite candy here) for friends back home.

30 Choir members singing in Salisbury Cathedral during Funsucker family visit.

16 Out of Town Train Tickets

1 Sticky Toffee Pudding

40 Number of Horses starting in the Grand National Steeplechase Race

13 Number of Horses finishing Grand National

50 pence - amount needed to enter Frog/Funsucker family bet for Grand National

4 pounds won by Snake for fastest horse in Grand National.

85 songs transferred to Uncle Funsucker's Ipod by Chizz "just to see if you like them"

3 Cds Purchased

6 orders of Fish & Chips consumed

53.5 Average usual temperature in London in April

64.3 Average actual temperature in London during Funsucker family visit

65.7 Average actual temperature in Funsucker's hometown during London visit. (See you didn't miss much and our weather was beautiful!)

12,417 number of miles (actually kilometers) claimed to have been walked by Uncle Funsucker during visit.

1 Sad & Tired Wind the Frog family. We had a great time, they were great guests, we miss them already and we can't wait until their visit next year (but we will see them this summer!). I am not sure how many times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Family Funsucker thanks the Froggers for just the best darned visit. We miss you all and are already planning our return.

Funsucker S