Monday, October 16, 2006

Where Old TV Goes To Die

We finally got our cable hooked up this past week and we now have TV. Just in time to watch the baseball playoffs. We have not had any television in our house in just about 8 weeks. I thought I would hear more moaning, whining and complaining about it but Chizz has been relatively good about it. The kids apparently haven't missed it at all, now if the computer were down that would be another matter. We got a sports package from our cable provider, which gives us sports from the US. We will get the baseball playoffs, some college and pro football and what I am really excited about LPGA. (Huh? Why would anyone in his or her right mind think LPGA is a selling point for an international sports TV package? Rhetorical, not a discussion topic.)

We have about 400 channels. We get some channels from the US. Our friend Marky will be glad to know that we receive Fox News because that is a particular favorite of his. We seem to be one season behind in our all of our favorite shows, Lost, The Office, Desperate Housewives. There are some interesting new shows that are candidates to become favorites. One is Suburban Shootout. This show is about gangs of housewives that run a picturesque small town. A new police superintendent moves into town and the gang wants to force his wife into joining. So they trick her into unwittingly blowing up a store, the Wicker Barn. It is a black comedy, one I will have to record and watch when the kids aren't around. We will have to learn how to block certain channels from the kids because there are things on TV here that wouldn't see the light of day in the US. For example, a show called Badly Dubbed Porn. I kid you not, that is the name of the show. I haven't seen it (yet) but I understand it involves soft porn movies with the dialogue removed and British comics ad lib and dub the movies. It is on at 4:00 a.m. so I don't think there is a chance the kids will see it but I think we will block it anyway. (Sorry Chizz!)

So I sat down to watch television the other morning and I made a few discoveries. First, there is Judge Judy here. I repeat Judge Judy has traveled the pond!! As many of you know, I love Judge Judy and tivoed (a new verb) her all the time in California. The best thing about that is that these are some of her older shows and I haven't seen all of them. Yay! Another interesting discovery, England is apparently the place old television shows go to die. I have never seen such a wide collection of bad, bad, cancelled television shows. At any given time I can watch Becker, Touched by an Angel, Knight Rider, The Rickie Lake Show, Starsky & Hutch, Bay Watch, The Rockford Files, Hope and Faith, Stargate, Dharma and Greg, Star Trek Voyager. The other night there was a channel that had 4 hours of back-to-back Becker episodes. What is wrong with these people?? I didn't even know they had enough episodes of that show for four hours. It is very scary.

Oh! I have to go. The A Team is on! "Pity the Fool".

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